Labor Thanksgiving Day in Japan, a Day of Rest and Paying Tribute.

Labor Thanksgiving Day of Japan, a Day of Rest and Paying Tribute.

Labor Thanksgiving Day in Japan, a Day of Rest and Paying Tribute.


The thanksgiving holiday that we know in America is all about turkey, mashed potatoes, and delicious pies, but in Japan, the meaning of Labor Thanksgiving Day is slightly different.

Labor Thanksgiving Day, celebrated annually on November 23rd, is a Japanese holiday centered on paying respect to laborers and those who do their jobs well. 

In Japanese, the holiday Kinro Kansha no Hi can be traced back to a harvest festival that occurred as early as 660 BC. The harvest festival, known as Niinamesai, consisted of the Emperor dedicating the year's first harvested rice to the gods and tasting it himself. 

During modern times Japan evolved from a rural nation to an industrial one. It was, therefore, more suitable to celebrate the laborers and those who worked hard instead of the fall harvests. 

Difference between American and Japanese thanksgiving day

American thanksgiving and Japanese thanksgiving are similar, with both holidays focusing on thanks. In Japan, though it is a little more specific, sometimes you thank those hardworking people. 

Children may go to places like police stations, hospitals, and fire stations, handing out thank you cards, hand-drawn pictures, or small gifts to show appreciation for their services. 

The major difference between American and Japanese thanksgiving is how the two countries celebrate it. In America, it's customary for families to eat turkey and throw parties. It is challenging to find that in Japan, as the holiday there is less festive. 

Thanksgiving Day in Japan is more of a day of rest and paying tribute to the labor force. Having many laborers stay home, enjoy a relaxing day indoors with their families, play games, and watch television is normal. Traditionally people show up to others' homes with several traditional Japanese dishes (such as seaweed salad etc.) and have a small bash with their friends and families. 

Recently some people in Japan have adopted a westernized version of thanksgiving due to the high population of Americans and Canadians and now host large potluck parties. 

Whether attending small get-togethers with the family or enjoying potluck feasts at a party, it is important to remember the Japanese tradition of leaving outside dirt by taking off your shoes and putting on a pair of slippers. 

To be comfortable and enjoy your relaxing holiday, why not pamper your feet and those of your loved ones with a pair of CP Slippers? 

The CP Slippers, originating in Japan in the early 1980s, is known for their simple but beautifully crafted leather design. The Luxe CP Slippers collection is what your feet deserve after all those days of hard work. 

So whether you are celebrating Thanksgiving Day in America or Japan, have a relaxing holiday! 

 CP Slippers Luxe Collection

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